Where has the Lumaudis story really begun?
The 'Lumaudis seed' was planted all the way back in the 90's when a good friend of mine got me a present - Opus 3 Records album 'Tiny Island'. This recording has profoundly changed my outlook on how music we listen to at our homes should or even - must sound. The influence of this masterfully recorded and produced album took some time to come to a full bloom from the initial stage of, as I call it, audiophilia passiva, to taking a more proactive role – beginning to record and produce myself. At this stage two very special people played a crucial role – Mr Jan-Eric Persson (founder of Opus 3 Records and producer&sound engineer of the above mentioned 'Tiny Island' album) and maestro Tomislav Fačini.
Jan-Eric was (and still is) my 'guru' on all that has to do with music production and who patiently guided me through my music production beginnings. Tomislav, a brilliant conductor and person without whose understanding, belief and support I would have never dared tapping into these waters. When I presented my idea of setting up a music label to Tomislav he was immediately enthusiastic about it, without a slightest hesitation or doubt. The first 'newborn' that came as a result of this idea was the Antiphonus Ensemble that Tomislav and I founded back in 2008. So it is fair to say that, in a way, Antiphonus was a founding stone of Lumaudis label. What was to follow has exceeded all of my best case scenario expectations - collaborations with some amazing artist like Nuria Rial, Krešimir Stražanac, Pavao Mašić, Dmitry Sinkovsky, Edin Karamazov, Boris Andrianov, just to name a few. I am sure you will see some of these names appearing in Lumaudis catalogue in the years to come.
Lumaudis has officially become a label in 2014 with involvement of two other partners that I have brought on board. In October 2020 Lumaudis has turned the page to a new chapter and is now under command of a single captain - my humble self. This change also meant that Lumaudis catalogue was reduced to a single release but, as many music connoisseurs have confirmed, the most significant one – Ne le tue braze/U tvoje ruke performed by Antiphonus ensemble. I am confident that Lumaudis can now finally turn to its original postulates and philosophy and entertain projects with an approach to music that was sidetracked over the past period. As well as producing for Lumaudis label itself we also offer production and post-production services to other labels and private clients. So far, projects for BIS Records, Coviello Classics and Croatia Records have been successfully completed.
A new and joyful beginning for Lumaudis is here! I hope you will join us on this wondrous journey.
News are soon to follow, in the mean time I invite you to enjoy our somewhat lonely, but nevertheless unique release in a many ways – Ne le tue braze/U tvoje ruke.
Marin Fulgosi